Resolution of south african land disputes and the importance of the Ubuntu principiological perspective in public policies




Ubuntu, Land disputes, Conflict resolution, Apartheid


The purpose of this article is to investigate perceptions regarding the role and effectiveness of the Ubuntu concept in resolving conflicts related to land property rights, using the Vuwani-Malamulele conflict and the Land Restitution Project in South Africa as a case study. The research has found that despite the continued belief of traditional leaders in the relevance of Ubuntu in resolving conflicts of this nature, the principles, values, and ideals of Ubuntu have not been fully applied due to the persistence of modern-colonial values and ideals imposed by the apartheid system. This is exploratory research of a qualitative nature, utilizing bibliographic resources and a dialectical method, where the author delves into potential alternatives for resolving South African land disputes from a Ubuntu principled perspective to promote equality and non-discrimination, aiming to foster justice, equality, and harmony in relation to land and natural resources.

Author Biography

Edna Raquel Hogemann, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Lawyer since 1999. Post-doctorate in Law, from Universidade Estácio de Sá/RJ, PhD in Law from Universidade Gama Filho - UGF (2006), Master in Law from Universidade Gama Filho - UGF (2002), Lato Sensu Postgraduate in Bioethics, by Red Bioética UNESCO (2010), Lato-Sensu Postgraduate in History of Brazilian Law, by Estácio de Sá University - UNESA (2007), Graduate in Journalism, by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1977) and Bachelor of Law from the University of Grande Rio (1999). Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Law and Dean, at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UniRio. Researcher at GGINNS - Global Comparative Law: Governance, Innovation and Sustainability (Bioethics, Biolaw, Biotechnology) on cross-cutting themes such as biotechnology, sustainability, food security and family farming, coordinator of the Human Rights and Social Transformation Group (CNPq) and the EthikAI Institute- AIEthics. With experience in public policies on Human Rights, in the development of pedagogical and extension projects, especially interinstitutional, from conception to implementation, including preparation of teaching plans, lesson plans, assessment items, teaching team management, research fieldwork and organization of products arising from extension projects. Author of scientific books, textbooks, collections of articles, online class content and assessment items for face-to-face and distance learning subjects. Has solid experience in participatory methodologies and leading groups; experience in academic research in different methodological approaches; experience in extension projects, with articulation/interaction with the community; experience in developing social projects; academic experience with the Project theme; experience in supervising and/or mentoring undergraduate and postgraduate students. Author of textbooks, online class content and assessment items for face-to-face and distance learning subjects, as well as experience in recording video classes, coordinating and producing teaching materials for distance learning subjects for undergraduate and postgraduate courses since 2006.


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