Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428

São Paulo: Center for Pragmatism Studies
Philosophy Graduate Program
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Available in

Vol. 9, nº.2, July-December 2012



Dear reader,

We are pleased to publish the second 2012 volume of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Philosophy Electronic Journal. In our constant endeavor to provide the academic community with research that, in some way, dialogues or can potentially dialogue with issues concerning the theoretical field of classic and contemporary pragmatism - maintaining, also, a constant dialogue with philosophical tradition - this issue brings articles that delve into the logical, epistemological, linguistic, hermeneutic, ontological and metaphysical fields.

The article A dinâmica intersubjetiva da validade: linguagem, epistemologia e reconhecimento, by Erick Lima, aims to contribute with Hegel's conception of intersubjective dimension of validity pretensions. In this respect, the author explains Hegel's philosophical program in a strong relationship with questions on language. Seeking to understand some inflexions of Phenomenology of Spirit and Philosophy of Spirit of Jena, he explains how Hegelian philosophy can contribute to the philosophy of language.

In A lógica proposicional do 'quase sempre', Angela Pereira Rodrigues explains with propriety the concepts that support the proposal mentioned in the title of the work. It is a work with a strong logical and technical content that develops propositional logic, algebra and the adequacy of the propositional logic of the 'almost always'.

The article Compreender como modo de ação: os reconhecimentos das regras e a pré-compreensão, by Tatiane Boechat, describes the relevance and importance of 'understanding' in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. To this end, as the author proposes, the text investigates two conceptual levels, namely: knowledge or rules and pre-understanding.

In Construtivismo social: significado, uso e aceitação, Juliano Santos do Carmo proposes important elements on the notion of 'acceptance' as the determining factor for linguistic meaning. Thereby, the text seeks to show the possibility of considering this notion without denying the existence of semantic facts. The author expands on the concept and meaning of social constructivism and acceptance as a non-semantic notion of meaning.

Democracia e educação: aproximações entre as ideias de John Dewey e Paulo Freire, by Darcísio Natal Muraro, establishes similarities between these two great thinkers, underscoring the incorporation of Dewey's thoughts in Paulo Freire's works. For this, the author resorts to a comparative reading of the theoretical production of these two thinkers.

Ana Claudia de Jesus Golzio, in Formalizando a noção de 'poucos' via tableaux, presents the notion of 'few' in the propositional field. This analysis is presented with methodological strictness in a tableaux system (deductive method).

The article Intencionalidade, aptidão e evolução no pragmatismo de William James, by Daniel Cerqueira Baiardi, underlines aspects that reveal James' participation in what is called Evolutionary Epistemology Research Program. The author particularly sets out the influence of Herbert Spencer's evolutionism in the development of the conceptions of mind and knowledge in James, and makes an approach on models of development and Cognitive Psychology, also discussing the concept of Jamesian 'Interest'.

Ontologia e epistemologia: uma leitura do marxismo de J. Chasin, by Paola Baldovinotti Serpa, analyses the aspects that led to ontology and epistemology, with the aim of contributing to an effective scientific practice. This is undertaken through an analysis of Marx's work for the purpose of questioning modern standards of scientificity. Under this perspective the author endeavors, primarily, to establish the problem of ontological dimension (seeking the conditions of possibility in the real), following on with a discussion on ontology and epistemology.

Lógicas paraconsistentes de um ponto de vista filosófico, by Diogo Henrique Bispo Dias, discusses a general definition of logic and paraconsistent logics. Analyzing the non-explosive aspect of these logics and the possibility of true contradictions, the text expands on some critiques to paraconsistent logics on the possibility of encouraging new research on this topic.

Percepção direta: contribuições do pragmatismo peirciano para a abordagem ecológica, by João Antonio Moraes (et alii), encourages a possible discussion on Peirce's contribution to the study of direct perception, characteristic of an ecological approach. The text develops the concept of percipuum in the study of perception according to Peirce; perception in the context of ecological philosophy; and the correlations between pragmatism, ecological philosophy and perception.

Gilson Olegário da Silva, in Sob a influência de Wittgenstein, analyses Carnap's reading of Wittgenstein's Tractatus, pointing out Carnap's misreading that, in turn, influenced later commentators. He also explains James Conant's analysis of the interpretation attributed to Carnap. The text broaches Carnap's contact with Wittgenstein; he then comments on new interpretations of Wittgenstein's thoughts.

Algumas considerações sobre o conceito de lógica na teoria da investigação de Dewey e nos trabalhos sobre indução de Carnap, by Ivan Ferreira da Cunha, discusses and compares some aspects of logic based on these great thinkers. The aim is not only to point out the difference between the two authors, but also to bring them together, in an attempt to clarify problems of an epistemological nature.

The article As condições de liberdade e suas implicações metafísicas para as filosofias de Aristóteles e Peirce, by Juliana Acosta López de Mesa, discusses issues relevant to freedom in Peirce. This investigation will be conducted through a reading of Aristotle's work with the aim of understanding Peirce's definition of freedom and analyzing possible consonances between these thinkers.

This issue also brings a review on Da Imortalidade da Alma e Outros Textos Póstumos, by David Hume, including texts pertinent Hume's entire work. Finally, it also includes a translation of the text Carnap e Kuhn: arqui-inimigos ou aliados próximos? by Gürol Irzik and Teo Grünberg.

We are grateful for the contribution of the authors in yet another issue of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS, hoping that readers may delight in the distinguished reflections presented. On behalf of the Center for Pragmatism Studies, we wish you all a prosperous and fruitful 2013.

Antonio Wardison C. Silva
Assistant Editor/ COGNITIO-ESTUDOS
Center for Pragmatism Studies, PUC-SP, Brazil