Revista Eletrônica
de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428
São Paulo: Center
for Pragmatism Studies
Philosophy Graduate Program
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Available in <>
Vol. 11, nº.1, January-June 2013
Dear readers,
It is with great pride and satisfaction that we bring you the first 2014 edition of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Philosophy Eletronic Journal, a biannual publication of the Center for Pragmatism Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC/SP.
This edition has nine articles and two translations: texts that address important philosophical issues, of great relevance to contemporary philosophy, namely, language, materialism, semiotics, logic, theory of knowledge, among others.
The text by Vitor Sommavilla de Souza Barros discusses the motives that led Wittgenstein to return to Tractatus and adopt a phenomenological language, as well as the role that time came to play in this language. Time also is the object of analysis in Marcel Silvano Madeira's text, where the author, based on the thoughts of Charles S. Peirce, expounds the discontinuity of time in the process of knowledge acquisition.
On another aspect, Eluiza Bortolotto Ghizzi discusses some implications in the understanding of communication, from Charles Peirce's semiotic perspective. Thereupon, the author also analyses, in this theory, aspects that give rise to reflections on "ecosemiotics," i.e., a communication approach that is, simultaneously, semiotic and ecological.
César Schirmer dos Santos, while in another direction, but grounded by the character of "meaning," tries to reconstruct Putnam's main argument in favor of semantic externalism, and show how this concept impacts another argument of the author on intentionality.
In the strict view of logic, Frank Thomas Sautter and Hércules de Araújo Feitosa seek to provide conservative translations of Modal Propositional Logic KT in Modal Propositional Logic KD, extending them to Modal Propositional Logic K. Whereas Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa endeavors to point out the way in which logic signals the emergence of the Absolute, from a Hegelian reading.
On another perspective, Rafael Deus Garcia investigates how the new Technologies dialogue with the theoretical construction of the body in Merleau-Ponty, and what legacy can be extracted from it. The text also seeks to analyze the political dimension in the new relations of the body with technology. In turn, Marcus Vinicius de Matos Escobar provides an approach on the explanatory incompleteness of materialism, by analyzing where, fundamentally, it is possible to scrutinize the greatest obstacle of materialism.
The article by Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves endeavors to clear up misunderstandings from Russellian considerations, that hamper an adequate apprehension of de re thoughts, i.e., thoughts that depend on objects, within Fregean thought, problematizing this concept in dialogue with other important authors.
This prized edition also brings two translations, both by Itamar Luís Gelain, reviewed by Jaimir Conte: La teoria de la verdad en Strawson, by Mauricio Beuchot; and Reply to Mauricio Beuchot, by Peter Frederick Strawson.
We hope that this edition may provide our readers deep philosophical reflections and instigating paths to follow, opening horizons to new perspectives and problems of the ever-surprising universe of philosophy.
Good reading,
Antonio Wardison C. Silva
Assistant Editor / COGNITIO-ESTUDOS
Center for Pragmatism Studies, PUC-SP, Brazil