Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428

São Paulo: Center for Pragmatism Studies
Philosophy Graduate Program
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Available in <>

Vol. 12, nº.2, July-December 2015


Dear Reader,

We present the second edition of 2015 issue of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Electronic Journal of Philosophy, a semi-annual publication of the Center for Pragmatism Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC/SP.

In the continuity of its task, COGNITIO-ESTUDOS addresses studies focused on philosophical concepts, such as philosophy of science, philosophy of language, ethics, philosophy of mind and teaching of philosophy. These are very interesting analysis on diverse themes that target different horizons of the philosophical research.

Caio Cézar Cabral explores the concept of Dewey regarding the relations between experience and the nature of the investigative act. For this end, he analyzes Dewey´s scientific view based on some elements of biology and behavioral psychology. The text also develops itself under a critical view of Bertrand Russel to Dewey.

In the field of language, Alexandre Müller Fonseca examines the historical development of Hilary Putnam's semantic externalism and some objections leveled against it during the 1970s and in the early 1980s. Fundamentally, the author analyses Putnam's development of semantic externalism and the critics attributed to it, particularly the ones made by Zemache and Mellor, and also the remarks made by Schartz regarding his view. Still in the field of language, although in a different philosophical perspective, Valdicléa Souza studies some paradigms of representation concerning the issue of communication and construction of meaning, based on Platonism and Sophistry. The author in this investigation aims to challenge the contemporary paradigm of representation, in the sense that it exhibits traces of a Sophistry.

Clodoveo Ghidolin analyzes some aspects related to the moral dilemmas and their processes of deliberation. In this sense, he presents Brink´s thesis on moral dilemmas, the proposal to construct a taxonomy of dilemmas, the analysis on the notion of "unavoidable moral error" and a discussion on moral dilemmas as disjunctives duties. Also in the perspective of philosophical ethics, Paulo Gilberto Gubert proposes to demonstrate how Husserl develops the concept of formal ethics in his text Vorlesungenüber Ethik und Wertlehre, starting with the concepts of Husserl ´s phenomenological method. Afterword, he presents Husserl ´s ethics postulate and his material complement.

In a different approach, Everaldo Cescon and Daniel Pires Nunes compare the physicalism and the functionalism with the biological naturalism of Searle, regarding the perspective of free will. Starting on the exposition of each line of thought the authors present an opposition between them, to assure that the Searlean biological naturalism can explain the origin of free action, external to mental state. On the other hand, Ronney César F. Praciano investigates altered states of consciousness, according to William James. The author analyzes the mystical states of consciousness, the non-ordinary experiences of consciousness and the states of mind modifiers.

Antônio José Romera Valverde e Anderson Alves Esteves analyze the pendulum movement of the Philosophy course of study as part of the list of subjects within High Schools. The authors evaluate the teaching of philosophy in Brazil; afterwards they analyze the pendulum movement that included Philosophy as a course of study within High Schools. They conclude the text with a critical analysis of the return of the course of philosophy in school's curriculum in Brazil, in particular in the case of the State of Sao Paulo.

The edition of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS of this semester also publishes two translations of relevant texts in the philosophical scenario: "Are we free to break the laws?", by David Kellog Lewis (Translated by Nicolas Küper Nóbrega e Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa) and "Darwin and the evolutionary theory in biology", by Ernst Mayr (translated by Karine Rossi Pereira).

We hope that this issue of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS, may continue to pursue its role to disseminate philosophical research and encourage the debate among scholars.

May this reading be pleasant to all our readers.

Antonio Wardison C. Silva
Assistant Editor / COGNITIO-ESTUDOS
Center for Pragmatism Studies, PUC-SP, Brazil