Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428

São Paulo: Center for Pragmatism Studies
Philosophy Graduate Program
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Available in <>

Vol. 14, nº.1, January-June 2017


Continuing its editorial policy of focusing on themes related to pragmatism and on various approaches in the field of philosophy, as well as publishing texts of a varied nature, COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Philosophy Electronic Journal, published by the Center for Pragmatism Studies of PUC-SP, offers in this first issue of Vol. 14/2017, nine articles, two translations and a review, providing an in-depth analysis and a broadening of the horizons encompassed by the authors and their theories.

One of the articles, "Frege: Sobre el pensar y su significado epistemológico", continues the critical analysis of the book by Garavaso and Vassallo, "Frege: On Thinking and Its Epistemic Significance", began in Vol. 13, No. 2 of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS. Descartes' early writings are addressed in the text "The Cartesian theory of matter and the metaphysics of substance" to identify, in the realm of natural philosophy, whether or not the concept of matter requires metaphysical grounding. Scholars of Peirce will find an approach internal to his philosophy in "The concept of diagram in Peirce", which explores the philosopher's diagrammatic reasoning through the three parts of semiotics, as well as the text "A pragmatic form of cinema", where the philosopher's ideas are immersed in an instigating reflection, encompassing also Bergson on Deleuze and the notion of pragmatism. There are also two further writings offered to readers of Dewey, one discussing the transformation of purely organic interactions between man and the environment in intelligent correlations, entitled "Dewey's theory of language and the cultural context of human investigation", while another considers the author's contributions to 21st-century philosophy, entitled "Dewey's instrumentalist epistemology and the new philosophical problems of the post-Darwinist era". Giordano Bruno is remembered in "Word and Concept: Giordano Bruno's critique of pedantism", which explores the figure of the pedantic and his critique of the Oxford Aristotelian humanists. The Moral Responsibility problem is discussed in "On responsibility: stoic traces in Ronald Dworkin's Justice for Hedgehogs". A discussion on computationalism occurs in "On the computational feasibility of a non-modular cognitive architecture," which promotes a debate in the field of cognitive sciences, involving Fodor's thought and evolutionary psychology.

This dense philosophical atmosphere continues in the translations, which contain generous works by their authors insofar as they offer Portuguese-language readers the opportunity of accessing writings of known relevance for philosophical studies, addressed with the attention they require. "Eudemian Ethical Method", by philosopher Lawrence Jost explores the Aristotelian philosophy, while "The relation between psychology and sociology in the work of Wilhelm Dilthey", by Max Horkheimer, addresses problems dealt with by the German philosopher on this theme.

This issue ends with a review of the text "No Clear and Distinct Ideas", by UFBA Philosophy Professor Waldomiro José da Silva Filho, who will introduce readers to his philosophical discussion on self-awareness.

We hope that this rich set of writings provided by our collaborators in this issue will provide excellent moments and fulfilling reflections to all our readers.

Eluiza Bortolotto Ghizzi
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.