Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428

São Paulo: Center for Pragmatism Studies
Philosophy Graduate Program
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Available in <>

Vol. 15, nº.1, January-June 2018

DOI: 10.23925/1809-84282018v15i1pAII


Dear reader,

We present the first edition of the 2018 COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Electronic Journal of Philosophy, a semesterly publication of the Center for Studies in Pragmatism of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC - SP.

With the commitment to bring forward inspiring and robust philosophical reflections, in diverse perspectives and issues, the present number restates the nature of this vehicle, to be an instrument of reflection and dialogue between students and post-graduates in philosophy who, immersed in pragmatism, or, in some way, surrounded by it, present the results of their research, as preambles to new examinations and debates.

In this horizon, Caio César Cabral debates John Dewey's thought on science and common sense, highlighting that the philosopher understands science as a new stage of the common processes of inquiry, without ever radically disengaging from them. Daniel Luís Cidade Gonçalves on the other hand, presents the investigations on Richard Rorty's concept of metaphor, particularly his pragmatistic conception of intellectual and moral progress. In turn, Flávio Augusto Queiroz e Silva inquires about the reality of God in the thought of Charles Sanders Peirce. To this end, he investigates the intertwinement of the Metaphysics and Ethics of the north american philosopher.

With a different focus, Paniel Reyes Cárdenas, based in Peirce, argues for an ontology of universals and the convergence of theological and scientific realisms, as an openness to understand faith and the ontological arsenal of the elements of the religious experience. André Azevedo Marque Estevez and Marília Velardi present, through an interview, somaesthetics and the pragmatist philosophy of Richard Shusterman. This endeavor stands out through the authors attempt to emphasize the origin of Shusterman's philosophical conception.

In the perspective of the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, Leonardo Cordeiro de Gusmão et al discuss landscape protection, fundamentally the juridical protection of landscapes and their relationship to the environment, as well as the context and nature of memory in philosophy. In the same philosophical framework, given his hermeneutic emphasis, José Wilson Rodrigues de Brito addresses the relationship between Ricoeur and Gadamer in that which pertains to the dimension of the other in an ethical perspective. The author is interested in identifying the mutual concern of the philosophers in relation to alterity an its alternatives to cultural conflicts.

Anderson Alves Esteves and Antonio José Romera Valverde on the other hand, reflect on a philosophy lesson in the bounds of the premise of the Enlightenment: human emancipation. The essay points out, critically, the need for emancipation beyond the ideological bounds of the Enlightenment, whose flourishing was confined by the causal nexus with the material, historical and social conditions of part of 18th century Europe. In the philosophical perspective of Hegel, Agemir Bavaresco examines the figure of the hero, from ancient Greece to modernity. This discussion rests on the scope of the theory of action that justifies the hero's actions in history. Finally, Neuza Abbud et al analyze Zeno of Elea, based on the logical paradoxes construed historically, and the processes of the comprehension of intelligibility. They seek, in this way, to reveal the possible roots of rationality, applied both to the study of movement as to the logical necessities interposed to substantiate its demonstration.

We hope that this number will evoke profound philosophical reflection, as well as disquieting new questions for the universe of philosophy, certain that philosophical thought, independently of the problem or historical period, is always vibrant and open to ever new perspectives.

Good reading,

Antonio Wardison C. Silva
Assistent Editor / COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Philosophy Eletronic Journal
Center for Pragmatism Studies, PUCSP, Brasil