Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428

São Paulo: Center for Pragmatism Studies
Philosophy Graduate Program
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Available in <>

Vol. 16, nº.1, January-June 2019

DOI: 10.23925/1809-84282019v16i1pAI


Dear reader,

We present the first edition of the 2019 COGNITIO- ESTUDOS: Revisita Eletrônica de Filosofia, semesterly publication from the Center for Studies in Pragmatism of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC -SP.

With the commitment to presenting our readers with profound and instigating philosophical discussions, in diverse perspectives and questions, the present number delivers ten articles and one translation. The texts, in a general sense, refer to the universe of pragmatism, with discussions in the areas of hermeneutics, epistemology, semiotics, esthetics and phenomenology.

Within this horizon, José Wilson Rodrigues de Brito reflects on the political dimension of Gadamer's hermeneutics, in the perspective of a shared solidarity (of democratic politics). Based on Dewey, Caio César Cabral discusses a common structure of investigation shared by common sense as well as science, fundamentally, an examination of the human investigative act. Still in Dewey, in the perspective of Sidney Hook, Edna Magalhães do Nascimento analyzes the method of intelligence, attempting to understand how this method is able to bring about better conditions for dealing with the tragic sense of reality.

In the avenue of semiotics, Júlio César D'Oliveira examines the logical element, represented by retroduction in Peirce's philosophy, on the threshold of his theory of perception. In turn, Daniele Fernandes seeks to explore the relationship between Deleuze and Peirce, from the standpoint of what seems to be the primary point of confrontation between them: Deleuze's affirmation that there is a zeroness that antecedes Peirce's firstness. In the context of the validity of synthetic inferences, comparing to the way that insurance companies predict the extension of their risks collectively, Renato Kinouchi reflects on probability, risk and pragmatism from Peirce's point of view. In another perspective, Anderson Vinicius Romanini and Rebeka Figueiredo da Guarda analyze, based on Peircean semiotics, the creation, dissemination and repercussion of the rumors against Marielle Franco, understood as signs capable of transmitting certain information and of generating effects in a community of interpretants connected socially through the world wide web.

Invoking philosophical insignias, from an historical viewpoint, Alessandra Cavalcante Scherma Schurig analyzes the convergences between non analytical philosophy of language and pragmatism. In a different vector, Rosi Leny Morokawa reflects on the esthetic definition of Monroe Beardsley, inasmuch as it is able to respond to the objection of the "non-aesthetic" art of Timothy Binkley. Carlos Diógenes C. Tourinho, on the other hand, investigates naturalism's critique of theology, in the wake of the "philosophical positivism" of Husserl's phenomenology. Finally, Matheus Gomes Reis Pinto provides a translation of Style and Medium in the Motion Pictures, from Erwin Panofsky, an essay of acute importance on cinematographic esthetics.

Our hope is that this number, dense in its content, may inspire profound philosophical reflections and, with this, new questions in the unquenchable field of philosophy.

Good reading,

Antonio Wardison C. Silva
Assistant Editor/ COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Center of Studies in Pragmatism, PUC-SP, Brazil