Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
Philosophy Eletronic Journal
ISSN 1809-8428

São Paulo: Centro de Estudos de Pragmatismo
Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Filosofia
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
Disponível em <>

Vol. 17, nº. 1, January-June, 2020

DOI: 10.23925/1809-8428.2019v17i1pAII


Dear reader,

We present you with the first edition in 2020 of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista Electrônica de Filosofia (COGNITIO-STUDIES: Electronic Periodical of Philosophy), semesterly publication of the Center for Studies in Pragmatism of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, PUC-SP.

In continuity with its mission, of delivering to the public-reader profound and meaningful philosophical reflections, COGNITIO-ESTUDOS brings discussions on hermeneutics, pragmatism, epistemology, logic, language, esthetics and ontology.

José Wilson R. Brito discusses the contribution of Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy, in a political vein, of democratic character. He inquires if this perspective allows for an alternative to the solidarity shared by contemporary society. Thus, the article seeks to show that a Gadamerian philosophy of praxis bears elements that move people to solidary action while belonging to political communities.

In another perspective, Caio César Cabral looks to reflect on John Dewey's theory of the emergence of the mind. In his investigation, he uses as a base Dewey's work Experience and Nature (1925). The article focuses on the organized living being and its "psychophysical activity", a language and emergence of the mind and the role of communication in the formation of habits and the designation "body-mind". The author strives to demonstrate that for Dewey the mind, considered as a set of meanings and ideas, is conditioned in its emergence by organic and psychophysical activities.

Felipe Carvalho Novaes, on the other hand, proposes to treat a number of non-dualistic perspectives on mind and body, that could envision an alternative to the computational paradigm, that suggests a rupture with the ontological aspect of cartesian dualism. To this end, he investigates representationism as revisited dualism, some antidotes to the residue of dualism, material involvement as a convergence of antidotes, writing as a new form of thinking, conscience as a product of material culture and cognition and materiality within human evolution.

With base in E. Husserl's Prolegomena of pure logic, Ícaro Machado analyzes the relation between the levels of doctrinary logic. He seeks to clarify the interactions between the conceptions of Logic as discipline, in Husserl. The author explores this question by concentrating his analysis on the three strata of sciences, normative logic and tecnological logic, pure logic and the interaction between theses of logic as scientific par excellence. The author declares that the present research contributes to the perspective of a comprehension of a hierarchical flux between doctrines, that emanates from pure logic until arriving, through normative logic, to technological logic. In this direction, Frank Thomas Sauttter propounds the profound exercise of analyzing the work of John Neville Keynes - Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic, in which he develops a modification of Euler's diagrams, giving them an informational interpretation. Sautter underscores that the author, however, proposed such a development only for isolated categorical propositions. The article intends to complete the gap left by Keynes.

In turn, Edna Magalhaes do Nascimento seeks to comprehend Rorty's perspective of a philosophy without foundations. She carries out this endeavor by discussing Rorty's anti-representationalist model, on the path of going beyond epistemology, in particular, Rorty's attempt at rethinking, in the manner of a reform or reconstruction, philosophy itself.

Based on the work In Search of Lost Time, by Marcel Proust, Alessandra Scherma Schurig seeks to present a notion of contingency. In the aforementioned work, the author sought to demonstrate the non-fixedness of identities, the temporal flow and the instability of signification. The article, in this perspective, reflects on time and contingency, the notion of fixed and immutable time, the state of contingency on post-modernity and the thesis of relational self.

In another philosophical horizon, Jorge Francisco da Silva and Karl Heinz Efken confront a established discussion on the esthetics of reason in James, particularly on the concept of embodiment. The essay will seek to certify that James reunited what Descartes separated (mind and body), which led him to develop his concept of embodiment. The text, therefore, strives to investigate the role of the body in perception, sensation and conceptualization of the processes of signification of thought and language. In a similar camp, in certain manner, Ana Claudia de Oliveira proposes to analyze the esthesic competence of which the subject disposes, permitting her the experience of feeling the other, that can be another person, environment, objects, based on their significant properties, apprehended by the sensorial orders.

Luís Henrique N. Gonçalves proposes a debate between the different scientific areas and perspectives of the ontological dimension present in the concept of "extended mind". By treating the place of man in the world of extended mind, he addresses the epistemological problem of the ontological dimension, the subjective dimension of reality - an extended mind of a social being and the social-historical dimension of the cognitive sciences and human emancipation. In this horizon, the article seeks to reflect on the ontological dimension in several theoretical constructions and, with this, its social and historical implications in light of the present technological revolution.

This edition offers, furthermore, two translations of accentuated importance to philosophical literature, namely: Truth and Probability (A verdade e probabilidade), by Frank Plumpton Ramsey, translated by Marcos Antonio Alves and Pedro Bravo de Souza; and A Note on Berkeley as Precursor of Mach (Nota sobre Berkeley como precursor de March), by Karl Popper, translated by Caique Marra de Melo.

We hope that this edition brings about profound philosophical reflections, as well as provoking new questions for the universe of philosophy, certain that philosophical thought, independently of its problem or historical period, continues vibrant and open to ever new perspectives.

Good reading,

Antonio Wardison C. Silva
Assistent Editor / COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Philosophy Eletronic Journal
Center for Pragmatism Studies, PUCSP, Brasil