Charisms and discernment in ecclesiality


  • Alexandre Augusto Siles Alexandre Augusto Siles graduado em Filosofia licenciatura plena pela Unifai, Ipiranga; Bacharel em teologia PUC-SP, campus Ipiranga; mestrando em teologia sistemática na PUC-SP, campus Ipiranga. Padre há oito anos na Diocese de Osasco/SP, atualmente pároco na paróquia de São José em Mairinque/SP.
  • Pedro K. Iwashita Pedro K. Iwashita, doutor em Teologia pela Universidade de Friburgo, Suiça; professor do Programa de Estudos Pós Graduados em Teologia da PUC/SP.



Church, Charisms, Discernment, Ecclesial, Baptized


Charisms have always been a theme with its peculiarities, especially in the religious sphere. However, with regard to its historical and religious roots, it is a very relevant subject to collaborate in the formation of the ecclesial subject in view of social transformation in the contemporary world that is constantly changing (GS 4-7). Therefore, to form the individual in its totality, encompassing a conscious formation for socialization becomes a great challenge for the Church and in turn a signi#cant theme, especially in the dialogue between faith and reason. Certainly when we speak of conscience and its formation in an ecclesial context aiming at social transformation, we must take into consideration the gifts and charisms that Jesus Christ left as a gift and service for his Church (CIC 1302, 1303).




