The Presence of Sustainability in the Training of the Administrator in Public Universities


  • Leonardo Fabris Lugoboni Professor da Fundação Escola de Comercio Alvares Penteado (FECAP) e INSPER.
  • Karen Rodrigues de Souza Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza.
  • Bárbara Stefáne Ferreira dos Santos Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza



Sustainability aims to put together social, environmental and economic aspects, searching for growth, being essential to any manager. For this reason, the aim of this research is to understand how the syllabus of Administration courses in the universities approach aspects related to sustainability in public universities. Considering this situation, a data collection was performed with 12 Administration colleges as well as interviews with the course coordinators os these universities have been done. After analyzing this data, it is possible to notice that the subject. Sustainability is part of most of these universities syllabus. Nevertheless, the interviewed people stated that it is important to remember that Sustainability is a transversal subject, being possible and even better, to have an approach which integrates this subject to other and different ones throughtout the course. The lack of financial resources, a general refusal to chances as well as the lack os interest from both parts are relevant factors for the insertion of Sustanability in the universities. Aspects which can be worked with, through a good investment in communication and training to get external sponsors

Author Biography

Leonardo Fabris Lugoboni, Professor da Fundação Escola de Comercio Alvares Penteado (FECAP) e INSPER.

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor da Fundação Escola de Comercio Alvares Penteado (FECAP) e INSPER.


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How to Cite

Lugoboni, L. F., de Souza, K. R., & dos Santos, B. S. F. (2018). The Presence of Sustainability in the Training of the Administrator in Public Universities. CAFI, 1(1), 95–118.