Proposal for the creation of the financial fund for students of the military aviation school


  • Victor Manuel Escobar Zuñiga Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suares de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana



In the present work is a proposal of social and transformational type, which seeks to be the mechanism and alternative to eradicate little by little with problems such as lack of economic resources, student unrest, desertion, among others. This proposal is aimed at solving the problem of students who lack financial resources to meet each of the needs that arise in the training process. To achieve this, three parts were established, which are the three objectives of this work: A survey applied to a staff of cadets identified in a sample, to determine the main economic problem that is presented to the senior cadets and cadets of the military aviation school. The creation of service lines to solve the problem already identified. Some lines of service where the capabilities of the financial fund are raised, there are some guidelines, requirements and requirements to access each of the benefits. Determine the viability of the proposal, where an analysis of the important aspects of the project was made, analyzed and looked for the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities; and it was completed with a survey of a staff of seniors cadets and cadets to know and determine the position they have regarding the existence of a financial fund in the EMAVI.

Author Biography

Victor Manuel Escobar Zuñiga, Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suares de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

Departamento del Valle, ciudad Cali.


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How to Cite

Zuñiga, V. M. E. (2019). Proposal for the creation of the financial fund for students of the military aviation school. CAFI, 2(2), 226–243.