Incidents of IFRS certification in the accounting labor market


  • Juan Sebastian Canizales Bedoya
  • Maria Camila Agudelo
  • Carlos Augusto Rincon Soto



This article analyzes the importance of IFRS Certifications in Colombia. Specifically, what we wanted to investigate was whether these types of certifications, mediated -as institutions- for the hiring of the labor market of accounting services, and what was the level of efficiency they offer. To achieve this, surveys and a focus group were made to professionals in the area. Based on the theories of neo-institutional economics and phenomenological methodology, the collected data were analyzed. The results pointed out that the IFRS Certification, in Colombia, is not an institution yet, since it does not help to reduce the asymmetry of the information and the uncertainty about the competencies of the accounting professional.

Author Biographies

Juan Sebastian Canizales Bedoya

Contador Público-USBCali, Estudiante Maestría en Contabilidad-Universidad del Valle

Maria Camila Agudelo

Contador Público-USBCali

Carlos Augusto Rincon Soto

Maestría en Contabilidad, estudiante de doctorado en Administración-Universidad del Valle, Profesor Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas-Univalle.


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How to Cite

Canizales Bedoya, J. S., Agudelo, M. C., & Rincon Soto, C. A. (2020). Incidents of IFRS certification in the accounting labor market. CAFI, 3(2), 207–222.