Free assistance to Federal Taxpayers: Center for Accounting and Tax Support of Chapecó-SC


  • Giovani Correa Campos Unoesc
  • Carla Fabiana Cazella Unoesc



This article deals with the free assistance provided to taxpayer taxpayers by the Accounting and Tax Support Center (NAF) of Chapecó-SC, which, since the first semester of 2017, has been carrying out an important and fundamental work for the low-income population with the interinstitutional objective of promoting fiscal education to the community. The NAF Unoesc Chapecó has the integration of academics from different stages, professors and masters, with vast fiscal knowledge, assisting academics and bringing them closer to the work environment. For the development of the research, a single case study was used, which helped in the analysis of the public profile and in the services provided in the period of 2019 and 2020. The result shows that 122 cases were attended and the profile of those attended, and that the contribution of NAF with society is extremely important due to the educational development of academics, from student preparation, to serving the public, seeking to improve and disseminate information to the population. The conclusion also demonstrates the representativeness of the project in society, bringing great proportions of collaboration and diffusion of fiscal knowledge through projects prepared by the nucleus in society.

Author Biographies

Giovani Correa Campos, Unoesc

Estudando do Curso de Administração Unoesc Chapecó , aluno pesquisador .

Pesquisa financiada pelo Governo do Estado de Santa Catarina 

Carla Fabiana Cazella, Unoesc

Doutoranda pela Unoesc Chapeco SC, professora e  coordenadora dos cursos de Administração e Ciências Contábeis 


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How to Cite

Campos, G. C., & Cazella, C. F. (2020). Free assistance to Federal Taxpayers: Center for Accounting and Tax Support of Chapecó-SC. CAFI, 3(2), 239–252.