Tax education and citizenship: a collaborative activity between pcblics and privates institutions and private institutions in the municipality of Chapecó/SC


  • Carla Fabiana Cazella Unoesc
  • Joao Francisco Pozzer
  • Bianca Nicola dos Santos
  • Guilherme Carlotto



Fiscal Education, Citizenship, IRS


Thinking about the assumptions about tax education and citizenship, and knowing the role of public institutions such as the Internal Revenue Service in tax inspection, this emerges as an automatic partner in the work of tax education in schools to promote citizenship. Therefore, the study proposed to analyze the perception of the 50 teachers involved in the Fiscal Education and Citizenship project of 19 municipal schools in Chapecó-SC, trained by NAF with support from the Federal Revenue of Brazil in April 2019 to work in the implementation of the social extension project on Tax Education and Citizenship. In the data analysis, descriptive statistics was used through the analysis of graphs and tables, with the purpose of interpreting the collected data and understanding the respondents' perception, added to the knowledge covered by other authors in their research. The participants' desire to extend the fiscal and citizenship education project to future periods was observed with the collected answers, and the receptivity and evaluation of teachers regarding the project was good to excellent, thus it will facilitate the adhesion to projects that have an annual periodicity.

Author Biography

Carla Fabiana Cazella, Unoesc

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina ( Unoesc) Mestre em Educação ( UNOESC) , Especialista em Gestão Escolar (Unoesc), Graduada em Administração ( Unoesc) CRA/SC 22370. Vinculada ao Grupo de Pesquisa Processos Educativos , ao grupo de Pesquisa Gestão Organizacional ,Sustentabilidade em Organizações, Sustentabilidade e Empreendedorismo, Empreendedorismo, Empresas Familiares e Inovação e ao grupo de pesquisa CViP (Ciências da Vida em Pesquisa). Possui Capacitação pela Clinton Center For Teaching And Learning em Ensino de Empreendedorismo e Negócios. Coordenadora do Curso de Administração da Unoesc Chapecó-SC , Coordenadora do Curso de Ciências Contábeis da Unoesc Chapecó-SC, Coordenadora do Curso de Pós-graduação - MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos Unoesc Chapecó, Coordenadora do MBA em Gestão Empresarial - Unoesc Chapecó/SC. Articuladora do NDE do Curso de Administração da UNOESC. Membro do Conselho de Gestão da CDL Jovem Chapecó-SC.Coordenadora da Empresa Junior - Lidera Junior Unoesc Chapecó. Membro do Conselho de Gestão da Unoesc Campus de Chapecó-SC.Áreas de Interesse Gestão de Pessoas, Gestão Organizacional, Empreendedorismo e Estratégia. ORCID 0000-0002-5252-4549


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How to Cite

Cazella, C. F., Pozzer, J. F., dos Santos, B. N., & Carlotto, G. (2021). Tax education and citizenship: a collaborative activity between pcblics and privates institutions and private institutions in the municipality of Chapecó/SC. CAFI, 4(2), 215–237.