Electronic sports in Brazil and South Korea: a comparative study based on Porter's Diamond Model


  • Rodrigo Schver Giusti FEA PUC/SP - Curso de Administração
  • Belmiro N Joao Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7994-9934




eSports, Porter's Diamond, National Competitiveness


Despite being a new industry, the eSports industry shows exponential growth and competes, with strength, with the entertainment market. Brazil is a recent player as opposed to South Korea a global player. The aims of this research are to make an analysis between Brazil and South Korea using the Porter's Diamond Model and its conditions of factors, demand, related industries and support as well as the rivalry between companies in both countries. There was also a very large gap between South Korea's superiority over Brazil, which includes a vibrant competitive dynamic, a demanding consumer, several support industries and government support. Management contributions are highlighted, and possible biases of the method used.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Schver Giusti, FEA PUC/SP - Curso de Administração

Graduado em Administração pela FEA PUC/SP

Belmiro N Joao, Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP

Prof. titular Depto de Administração FEA PUC/SP


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How to Cite

Giusti, R. S., & Joao, B. N. (2021). Electronic sports in Brazil and South Korea: a comparative study based on Porter’s Diamond Model. CAFI, 4(2), 191–214. https://doi.org/10.23925/cafi.v4i2.52068