Home office: percentage of savings in specialized insurers, considering 100% activities in home office
Home Office, Teleworking, Life Insurers, Administrative ExpensesAbstract
The Home Office is a work format that has gained prominence in recent years, mainly because it is a flexible way of working, in addition to providing some advantages for employees and managers, such as time savings and operational efficiency, when related to expense management . This article used information available on the ANS website for the years 2014 to September 2020 in the lines of administrative expenses and their respective accounts such as Transportation voucher, Rent, Condominium, Water, Light and Gas, Cleaning, Repair, and others location and maintenance expenses, in order to measure the impact of these accounts on administrative expenses. the objective of this work was to analyze the percentage of administrative expenses, which can be reduced, with the implementation of the home office, in insurance companies specialized in Life, considering the average expenditure of the last 6 years, together with their respective% of opportunity of savings and the ratio of this indicator to GDP - Gross Domestic Product. This research contributes to the insurance market and possible studies for the viability of remote work. if the 6 insurance companies specialized in life, opt for their home office activities. Regarding the correlation of the% savings indicator, it was evidenced that 3 specialized health insurers showed a very strong negative correlation in some quarter, together with 4 specialized health insurers showed a strong negative correlation in some quarter, 4 insurers in a certain quarter presented a correlation. very strong positive and 2 companies showed a strong positive correlation in the quarterly statements. It was noted that there is an average savings potential of R $ 68.7 million in this market when considering the closed year 2019, however this average increases, when added the 3rd Quarter of 2020 to R $ 70.6 million.
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