Beyond profit:
a study on the distribution of wealth of the largest companies in Brazil Through DVA
DVA, Companies, Social Function, Distribuition of wealthAbstract
The study aimed to analyze the social function of companies and the distribution of wealth generated by the largest companies in Brazil in 2023. It investigated how the largest companies in Brazil distribute the wealth generated, identifying which companies are the largest generators of wealth, the sectors to which they belong and the main beneficiaries of the wealth generated. To select the 20 largest companies, the Ranking of the Largest Companies published by Exame Magazine (2024) was used, with the Statement of Added Value being the main source of accounting information. The methodology adopted was exploratory and bibliographic. The sample covered a total of R$1.009 trillion in distributed wealth, equivalent to 10% of GDP (R$10.9 trillion), referring to 17 (seventeen) companies. The results indicated that, of the total wealth generated by the 17 largest companies in the country, 34% was allocated to the Government through taxes, 30% was allocated to shareholders through dividends, interest on equity or profit retention, 24% was allocated to employees and 12% was allocated to financial institutions and rentals. This article offers a valuable contribution to academic literature, business, government and society by presenting a detailed and quantitative analysis of the distribution of wealth generated by Brazil's largest companies in 2023. This has important implications for economic equity, policymaking, and understanding the social role of companies.
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