Book Review - The Owners of Power: Formation of Brazilian Patronage - by Raymundo Faoro




Politics, Patrimonialism, Economy, Development of Brazil, Power


In his most famous book, Raymundo Faoro exposes his political thought by analyzing history of Portugal and the structuration of the monarchy in Brazil, tracing the roots of Brazilian patrimonialism and the formation of the bureaucratic estate. The tragic appropriation of political and administrative apparatus, as well as the use of public power for personal benefits, highlight it is necessary to impose limits between public power and private power. The goal of this brief work is to critically analyze the arguments extracted from Faoro's thoughts, which are essential for interpretating and understanding the current reality faced by Brazilian society from the political and economic point of view.

Author Biography

Marcelo Sasso Gonzalez, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV, São Paulo, SP

Master's student in Management and Public Policy at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. She holds a postgraduate degree in Constitutional Law, in Civil Procedural Law and in Real Estate Law and Business, all from Damásio Educacional. He holds a law degree from the FIEO University Center. He is currently Chief of Staff at the Municipality of Barueri.


FAORO, Raymundo. Os Donos do Poder: formação do patronato brasileiro. 5ª edição, Editora Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.

