The limits of the conciliator's action in the civil process: a critical analysis from the Modern Democratic State perspective




procedural conciliation, limits of the conciliator, consensual solution, constitutional principle of access to Jurisdiction, reasonable length of process, fraternity


The objective of this article is to describe and analyze in a critical-scientific way the limits of the conciliator's performance in the modern civil process in the light of the 2015 CPC, which prioritizes in a preponderant way the consensual solution of the conflicts, in the mold of art. 3, paragraph 3 of said diploma. In order to do so, it will address the history, principles and advantages of the consensual composition of litigation, demonstrating the relevance of the role of the conciliator in this sense, in the light of the consolidation of a democratic state where rights of the citizens are more quickly fulfilled, while being subject to material and procedural normative limits. In this purpose, will be adopted the scientific inductive methods, as well as the dialectical.

Author Biographies

Luciane Cardoso Barzotto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS

TRT4 Labor Judge. Professor at UFRGS, undergraduate, master's and doctorate. Master in Law from UNISINOS. PhD in Law from UFPR.
Post-Doctorate in Law from the University of Edinburgh. Leader of the UFRGS Law and Fraternity Study Group (CNPq)

Theodoro Luís Mallmann de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS

Lawyer and federal civil servant of the Ministry of Justice. Specialist in Civil Procedural Law - Anhanguera University. Postgraduate student in Tax Law - UFRGS. Graduated in Law at UFC. Graduating in History-UECE


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