The influence of the mass media on the public opinion in the political system
Mass communication, Information, Public opinion, PoliticsAbstract
The mass media, such as radio, newspaper, television, internet, in a democratic state of law, are holders of power, because they hold information. They influence private and public opinion because, of what is conveyed by the media through the emission of the message, the news, the information, is received by those people who are connected to them. There is a wide range of information transmitted and it will focus on those that are linked to politics. The problem that the research seeks to answer is: how can the mass media influence public opinion in the political system? The investigation will use documentary and bibliographic research, establishing the exploitation of the means of communication in the industrial context as a path, after analyzing the means of communication and their relationship with the media and, finally, understanding what public opinion is and its interaction with the political system. The result of the research shows that there was a historical process of formation of the means of communication and that the use of these can have an effective influence on the political system.
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