Facial recognition technologies
a study from the context of digital and soft surveillance
Facial Recognition, Technology, Digital SurveillanceAbstract
The article assesses how facial recognition technologies are inserted in the context of subtle and digital surveillance, and what are the social risks caused by the use of these tools. It was found that modern technology transformed the structure of surveillance and made it possible to improve the mechanisms of facial analysis. New applications have emerged for facial recognition technologies, enabling them to serve “subtly” for vigilant purposes. It is concluded that there is a need for a critical assessment of its uses, especially in the face of social risks. It is exploratory research of the phenomenon, with theoretical and descriptive character and qualitative bias, which is proposed within a critical and reflective perspective on the technologies of facial recognition, such critical understanding, based on the references used,
little explored for research dealing with this phenomenon and thus having originality in this field of research. The deductive method, the historical-comparative procedure method and the indirect documentation search technique are used.
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