Why rethink the human? biopolitics, biopower and the law





Human Life, Violence, Law, Biopolitics, Biopower


The current research has emerged from a reflection process on the perspective of the philosophy of law, which extends to the horizons of biopolitics and biopower. The forms of violence that fall on man as a form of domination and appropriation, reducing him to the species of naked life, are objects of analysis in this study. We observe that the crisis in Law is not apart from this reality; coversely, the crisis is the result of this process. In general, this thesis analyzes whether the legal phenomenon can be identified as a legal phenomenon within itself or a political-legal phenomenon. Finally, our proposal resumed the assumptions of the Habermasian communicative reason linked to the idea of popular sovereignty, as the guiding line for a redemocratization of law, established between the facticity and the validity of the Law.

Author Biography

Luciano Braz da Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP - São Paulo, SP

Attorney. Doctor in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - with a CNPq scholarship - under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tercio Sampaio Ferraz Jr. Master in Philosophy of Law from the Eurípides de Marília University Center (UNIVEM), with a Caps Scholarship. Graduated from the Law Course at Univem. Scholarship by FAPESP / Scientific Initiation 2008 - 2009 with renewal approval for 2010. Director of the Academic Directory of the Law Course at UNIVEM 2008. Graduated in 2004 in the Theology course at I.B.E.S. Member of the Scientific Research Group BIO-ETHICS - coordinated by Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Jr, at UNIVEM. He is registered in the Research Group - Political-Social Processes and Exclusion - Unesp-Marília. Researcher registered with CONPEDI - National Council for Research and Graduate Studies in Law - since 2009. Currently develops scientific research in the areas of Political Science, State Theory, Democracy, Democratic State of Law, Human Rights and Ethics based on philosophy habermasian; whose research seeks to: investigate reciprocal links between linguistic theory and ethics in the work of Jürgen Habermas; analyze the dialogues established by this philosopher with other modern and contemporary thinkers, as well as diagnose their influence in the structuring of his philosophy; researching the theme of human rights based on Habermas' political philosophy and the dialogue he establishes with communitarians, liberals and republicans.

