The intersection between the thoughts of Thomas Hobbes in his work Leviathan and the theories of physical dinamic by Isaac Newton reflected in the General Theory of the State
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Laws of Isaac Newton, General Theory of the StateAbstract
Objective: the purpose of this scientific article is to address points of intersection existing between the thoughts of Thomas Hobbes contained in his work Leviathan and the theories of physical dynamic by Isaac Newton, which study the phenomenon of movement, inserted in the context of the General Theory of the State . Methodology: the research methodology is legal-theoretical, through empirical-deductive reasoning and the observation of social reality in an bibliographic and documental approach by way of the reviewing books, scientific journals, the legal system and jurisprudence. Results: the results obtained are, respectively, the existence of points in common between theories related to the General Theory of the State. Contributions: the desired scientific contribution is, above all, to foster debate, as well as to demonstrate the interdisciplinarity between the scientific branches, with a new look at the General Theory of the State.
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DD&EM Magazine - ISSN 2675-7648