Digital universe, fake news and policy

what democracy is being built in the virtual medium?




digital universe, democracy, fake news


The virtual universe is today rigorously central to social experience in various segments, something that certainly encompasses democracy. However, some problems already observed in the physical environment are transported to the digital universe, but as if they are amplified or at least quickly disseminated in the digital or virtual environment. One of these issues is the phenomenon of fake news. Inquiring, traversing, and seeking to answer what effects this phenomenon can have on democracy is the main objective of this study, developed in the hypothetical-deductive modality, taking the theoretical framework and the author's contributions as necessary subsidies for the generation of the conclusions presented herein.

Author Biography

Antonio Minhoto Celso Baeta, Universidade de Marilia, UNIMAR, Programa de Pós-Graduação

PhD in Fundamental Rights and Social Inclusion from the Toledo Educational Institution of Bauru - SP (2010); Master in Political and Economic Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2003); Permanent Professor of the Master's Program in Law at the Universidad Libre de Bogotá, Colombia (since 2017); Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Law at Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul - UNICSUL, EAD system; Full Professor in the Public Law Area at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, SP (access through public examination, 2003); Visiting Professor and Researcher at the Universities of Leuven and Liege, both in Belgium. Visiting Professor at Universidad Anahuac, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico. Founding member of the Colombian Association of Constitutional Procesal Law and the World Association of Constitutional Justice, in addition to being a founding member and president of the Brazilian Association of Constitutional Justice. Author of "Globalização e Direito", by Editora Juarez de Oliveira, 2004; "Da Escravidão à Cotas", by Editora Boreal, 2010; "General Theory of Public Law", Editora Prismas, 5th edition, 2014, in addition to having coordinated several collective works. Acts, in the academic field, in Political Science; General Theory of the State; Structure and Transformation of the State; Constitutional right; Constitutionalism; Fundamental rights; Civil Procedural Law; Democracy; Globalization; Federalism; Administrative law; General Theory of Public Law; Minority Law; Social inclusion


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