Civil liability in law and the ontopsychological paradigm




Responsibility; , People; , Dignity;, Responsible Protagonism; , Right.


Responsibility is a concept that was regulated by law to provide legal guidelines for the coexistence of individuals in society. The understanding and delimitation of the meaning of this term both on a legal basis and on the basis of knowledge from Ontopsychological Science are the themes in question in this study. Thus, the general objective of the study is to establish a comparison of the meaning of responsibility between the understanding of Legal Science and the understanding of Ontopsychological Science, constituting itself as exploratory theoretical research, with a qualitative approach and a systematic literature review method. The research was developed within the scope of Brazilian legislation, Brazilian legal doctrine, within the scope of ontology and the disclosures of Ontopsychological Science. The responsibility for the Ontopsychological science is linked to the actions of the human being who, if he wants, has the possibility of building himself as a person and becoming a responsible protagonist, based on an innate virtuality that specifies the very principle ontological criterion of the subject. Responsibility thus assumes psychological, legal and metaphysical prerogatives. However, despite the existence of precise legal indications in Brazilian legislation, this has not yet been understood by the Brazilian legal community which, despite having the legal authorization and legal instruments to act and lead the population in the formation of this understanding within the Nation and the State, still requires specific and reversible preparation for such a desideratum.

Author Biographies

José Luiz Richetti, Antonio Meneghetti Faculdade - AMF-RS

Graduated in Legal and Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (1991). He has a Lato Sensu Post-Graduation in the area of Administration - Business Intuition - "Entidade Empresarial" by Antônio Meneghetti Faculdade (2013). Specialization in Knowledge Management and the Ontopsychological Paradigm by Antônio Meneghetti Falculdade (2016). Graduated in Psychology, with an Ontopsychological address from the State University of Saint Petersburg - Russian Federation (2016). He is currently studying the Bachelor of Ontopsychology at Antônio Meneghetti College. He's a lawyer.

Bruno Fleck da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS

Doctoral candidate in Philosophy at the Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM. Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. He is dedicated to research in the following areas: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Ethics. Graduated in Philosophy, with emphasis on ethics, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, PUC-Campinas (2011). He is a Specialist in Ontopsychology from the Antonio Meneghetti Faculty, AMF. He is a Specialist in Philosophy and Philosophy Teaching at Centro Universitário Claretiano, Curitiba-PR. (2014). Adjunct Professor at the Antonio Meneghetti College (AMF). He also serves as editor of the Revista "Saber Humano" and "Revista Brasileira de Ontopsicologia" of the same institution. He is a translator for the Antonio Meneghetti Foundation for Educational and Cultural Scientific and Humanist Research and for the Brazilian Association of Ontopsychology. He is coordinator of the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings at Antonio Meneghetti Faculdade, CEPSH-AMF.


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