The principle of the dignity of the human person as the foundation of the recognition of sexual identity as a right of personality: ADPF analysis 527




Human dignity, Personality rights, Transsexual persons, ADPF 527


The objective of this study was to analyze the principle of human dignity being materialized through personality rights applied to the transsexual choice to opt for incarceration in the prison facility of the gender that provides greater security for physical and psychological integrity. For that, the theoretical-bibliographic method was used, analyzing constant doctrine in books, articles and legal publications, as well as the jurisprudential study. Legal texts on the subject were also visited. In the end, it was concluded that the Government must guarantee minimum conditions to ensure the preservation of the personality rights of transsexual people.


Author Biographies

Maria Victória da Fonseca Esmanhotto, Centro Universitário Curitiba, Unicuritiba, Programa de Pós-Graduação

Master's student in Business Law and Citizenship at Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA. Graduated from the Curitiba University Center - UNICURITIBA (2020). Criminal lawyer at Beno Brandão Advogados Associados.

Rafael Santana Barros Lins, Centro Universitário Curitiba, Unicuritiba, Programa de Pós-Graduação

Special student in the master's program at the University Center of Curitiba - UNICURITIBA (2019). Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from the Luiz Flávio Gomes Teaching Network - LFG (2018), postgraduate in Legal Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV (2017) and Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - UNIPÊ (2010) .

Luiz Eduardo Gunther, Centro Universitário Curitiba, Unicuritiba, Programa de Pós-Graduação

Post-Doctorate in Law from PUC-PR (2015). Doctor in Law from the Federal University of Paraná (2003). Master in Law from the Federal University of Paraná (2000). Graduated in Law and History from the Federal University of Paraná (1977). Judge at the Regional Labor Court of the 9th Region. Permanent Professor of the Master's Program in Business Law and Citizenship at Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA. Has experience in: International Labor Law. Union and Collective Labor Law. Protection of Personality Rights in Business Activity. Jurisdiction Crisis: Effectiveness and Institutional Fullness. Author of several works in the field of Labor Law. Poet in his spare time, with several books published. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Labor Law, of the Editorial Board of Instituto Memória - Centro de Estudos da Contemporaneidade, Centro de Letras do Paraná and Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Paraná. Advisor of the Research Group that edits the TRT9 Electronic Journal


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