Democracy in the new era




Democracy, Human rights, Technologies, Digital, Freedom


New Technologies have immersed us in a previously unthinkable interconnected world and rethinking new paradigms to materialize our projects and cooperation agendas, both regional and global. The pandemic digitized services and gave multiple uses to Information and Communication Technologies. Democracy is the form of government that characterizes a state whose main value is Freedom. Republican, constitutional, and human rights values are essential to sustain and promote the democratic state. The objective of this work is to argue the impact of New Technologies in society, especially with the pandemic, and the role of democracy, in a social fabric that was already very damaged, and that suffered more violations of its Human Rights from of the COVID 19 crisis. The methodology is to start from the general, deductive bases, to achieve a seriously argued work hypothesis, and then start with some specific conclusions of what was the removal of freedoms and procedural guarantees in a pandemic. It is this New Renaissance where we find ourselves, with a highly technical, innovative world, but with serious gaps, not only digital, but also economic and, above all, emotional. Our duty is to build a better world.

Author Biography

Romina Florencia Cabrera, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba

Lawyer. Two Orders of Merit, United Nations of Letters. UNLP-USAL. UNLP PhD candidate. Itinerant Ambassador of Peace. Outstanding Inter-American Professor Bia 2021, Inter-American School of Litigation. International Researcher-Teacher -Advisor-Consultant worldwide. Director of Computer Security of ASCASEPP, Ibero-America-World, headquarters in Spain. Member of E-Justicia Latin America. Honorary member of the United Nations of Letters. Recognition of career and participation in the Únete Campaign - UN Women 2020. Director of the Technology and Digital Economy Research Group, University of Morón. Visiting Professor of the International Institute of Human Rights, Chapter for the Americas. Visiting Professor of the Inter-American School of Litigation. Member of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory. Ambassador in Ibero-America of the Salamanca Association against Bullying and Cyberbullying. Ianca teacher. Council member. Member of the International Academy of Graduates in Law of Mexico. Member of the Institute of Constitutional and Political Law of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the National University of La Plata. International speaker for peace. Director of the Argentine Chapter of Latin Iuris. Visiting Professor at the University of Córdoba, Argentina. Visiting Professor at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Member and advisor Icann-Isoc Argentina-Internet Society. Most Worthy Jurist from the University of Trujillo, Peru. Distinguished Visitor of Peru. Recognition by the Illustrious Bar Association of Cajamarca, Peru. Collaborator of Transvision Madrid and the Millennium Project. Visiting Professor at the University of Anahuac, Mexico. International Prize Link in the Chain of Peace. Author of the book "Science for Peace". Author of numerous academic articles and co-author of international books and treatises.


Declaración de La Plata: “Hacia la unificación de criterios para la protección de datos personales de niñas, niños y adolescentes”. Sitio web: Fecha de consulta del Sitio: 11/6/2017.

Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Sitio Web: Fecha de Consulta del Sitio: 19/05/2022.

¿Que son los Derechos Fundamentales? Sitio Web:!-,%C2%BFQu%C3%A9%20son%20los%20derechos%20fundamentales%3F,las%20personas%20por%20su%20dignidad. Fecha de consulta del sitio:19/05/2022.

