Review Of The Book - Post Mortem:

The succession issue regarding frozen embryos




Bioethics, frozen embryos, succession, family planning, posthumous son


The post mortem assisted human reproduction technique has been authorized since 2002 by the Civil Code. The ethical and legal aspects involved in such decision by the legislator are unquestionable. After all, it is about the generation of a life, a child who will be born without having the opportunity to meet his father, since he is already dead when he is conceived, or when he, still as an embryo, is transferred to the maternal uterus. The dignity of this human being who is conceived or gestated after the death of his biological father is the leit motiv of the study that was published.

Author Biography

Eduardo de Oliveira Leite , Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR - Curitiba, PR, Brasil

He holds a bachelor's degree in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (1973), a doctorate in Private International Law - Nouvelle Sorbone (1976) and a postdoctoral degree in Family Law from the "Centre du Droit de la Famille", from the University "Jean Moulin" - Lyon, France (1996). Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR; lawyer (OAB/PR: 10,334); reviewer; lecturer and writer; adjunct professor at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná - UTP; member of the Paraná Academy of Legal Letters. Scientific Advisor of ADFAS - Association of Family and Succession Law. President of the State Section of ADFAS in Paraná/Brazil. He works in the area of Law, with an emphasis on Civil Law, mainly in the following areas: family law and inheritance law.


NOMURA-SANTIAGO, Maria Carolina. Post Mortem: A questão sucessória de embriões criopreservados. LiberArs, 2021. ISBN 978-65-5953-043-4. (

