Constitutionalization of the right to life of the conceived, in the peruvian constitution of 1993
Life, conceived, Law, ConstitutionalizationAbstract
The Political Constitution is the supreme norm of a country; prevails, radiates, inspires and is applied in the national legal system; generating what is known as constitutionalization of the law; with various approaches. One of them is the elevation of an infra-constitutional norm, to a constitutional rank, due to its adaptation to the principles, values, guarantee and fundamental norms of the supreme law. Another is that the legal norms of the Constitution are adapted to the controversy and are modeled directly on the matter regulated by the common legislation, prevailing the higher norm over the lower one. In this article, the constitutionalization of the right to life of the conceived in the Republic of Peru is provided as an example.
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DD&EM Magazine - ISSN 2675-7648