The impact of the President of the Republic in Portugal and Brazil




Semi-presidentialism, Presidentialism, President of the Republic, Comparative Constitutional Law


The theme of semi-presidentialism with a certain frequency ends up being raised to public debates on the most appropriate model for the Brazilian legal-political organization. In this context, based on the Portuguese expression of semi-presidentialism, the present article seeks to examine the constitutional attributions and powers of the President of the Portuguese Republic in comparison with the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The adopted methodology is the literature review, the qualitative research, and the deductive method. The study analyzes the convergences and divergences in their respective actions, as well as their relationship with the main actors of the Legislative and Judiciary branches in both countries, in order to compare the impact of the presidential figure in each territory.

Author Biography

Suzana Maria Fernandes Mendonça, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa - FDUL - Lisboa, Portugal

Master in Legal-Political Sciences in the Specialty of Fundamental Rights by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, with a title revalidated by the University of São Paulo - USP as Master in State Law. Specialist in Constitutional Law by the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law. Specialist in Bioethics by the Private Law Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Graduated in Law from the University Center of Brasília - UniCEUB. Partner lawyer at Grace Mendonça Advogados


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