Access to justice in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988
Human rights, Social rights, Judicialization of conflicts, Access to justice, DemocracyAbstract
The present article purpose is substantiate the pressing need on democratic societies for an existence of public institutions such as Public Defender's and Prosecutor´s Office that intend to affirm their role in realizing the ideals of social justice inherent to the democratic system. It starts from multidisciplinary concept regarding to the term poverty, which culminates in the characterization from deprivation of rights and, therefore, as one of the causes of social exclusion, based on human rights precepts and their lack of effectiveness in growing societies. Subsequently, based on the human right of access to justice, the indispensability of public institutions on fulfillment of procedural representation in relation to the less favored and vulnerable social groups are going to be outlined. Also, it is intended to know and explore possibilities implementations` of public policy benefits social inclusion of marginalized members` society by broadening the ways of resolving conflicts as well as demonstrates that this Power, through its institutions realize the individual or collective human and fundamental citizen rights` guaranteed in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. The principle of access to justice and Constitutional Amendment 45/2004, which introduced changes in the Brazilian judicial system, they serve as a mechanism and support to implement public policies for access to justice by way of the Judiciary Power. This study will use the deductive method to explore bibliographic research from laws, norms, doctrines, jurisprudence and published data related to the subject, in order to analyze the importance of Access to Justice in a democratic society construction.
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