The fight for the right




The fight for the right, Peace, Ihering, Justice, Equality


Ihering takes peace and struggle into account in his analysis. The first idea evident when reading the text is the emphasis given by the author to the need to fight to achieve something, from simple individual rights to the most generic and comprehensive ones. This idea is maintained throughout the text, with clear emphasis. For the author, by nature, the law is essentially double, having an end and a means to reach it. The end would be peace, the means would be struggle, and for peace, justice and other fundamentals of the common good to be achieved, there would have to be a revolution, consolidated by struggle and not by passivity.

Author Biography

Pedro dos Santos Rocha, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Graduating in Law at PUC-SP, currently in the 3rd semester of the morning period and in the position of legal intern at the Advocacia Geral da União (AGU). Legal internship at the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo (IPT) in the area of innovation and patent intellectual property, for a period of eight months. Member of the research group "Economy of Technological Innovation" at IPT. So far I've had great extra-curricular experiences in college, such as: II Week With Advocacy; Career class taught in the subject Introduction to the Study of Law I (IED I) by Professor Clarissa F. Macedo DIsep; Simulated jury, forming part of the jury (IED I); Simulated Jury, forming part of the Prosecution (IED II); SDG 2030 Project (IED II), with the creation of cards and a mini podcast on the subject. Furthermore, I am part of the collective of PUC-SP scholarship holders (Coletivo Da Ponte Pra Cá). Graduated in the ETIM course (High School Integrated with Technical Teaching) in the Business Administration area by ETEC ABH, where I had the opportunity to develop a TCC on Industry 4.0. I have good communication, I work well in a team and I have a strong interest in learning.


IHERING, Rudolf von. A luta pelo direito. CL EDIJUR- Leme/SP – 1ª Edição – 6ª tiragem 2018.

