religious organization and non-profit associations with religious inspiration basis of the constitution of civil society




Religious organization, Association with religious inspiration, Civil Society Organizations, Third sector, Quantitative research, Literature review


The constitution of Brazilian society is marked by elements of faith and religion which contribute to the rich cultural and religious diversity. Furthermore, it is perceived that this wealth of diversity reflects the constitution of religious organizations and civil society organizations with religious inspiration. Thus, this research of a quantitative nature and bibliographic review, intends to analyze and study the numbers found and relate them to the reflection found in the legislation and legal doctrine pertinent to the themes. The hypothesis raised was whether there are differences between religious organizations and civil society organizations with religious inspiration in the data found in the research carried out by the Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA in 2018. Which, through clarification of the relevant legislation and bibliographical research on the theme, it was observed that there is differentiation between religious organization and entity with religious inspiration.

Author Biography

Alan Faria Andrade Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP - São Paulo, SP

PhD student at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (early 2020). Master in Law from PUC/SP (2019), in the research line Effectiveness of Human Rights and Diffuse and Collective Rights. Specialization in Constitutional Law from Anhanguera University ? Uniderp (2014). Improvement in Philosophy of Law and Human Rights by Escola Paulista da Magistratura (2013). Graduated in Law from Universidade São Judas Tadeu (2011). His research interests include the following themes: Effectiveness of Law, Human Rights, Diffuse and Collective Rights, Third Sector, General Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law and Citizenship, Law and Inequality, Law and Economics. Member of the Economy of Francesco. Attorney.


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