The Persistence of international trafficking in women




Traffic of women, International Traffic, Crime, Sexual Exploitation, Legislative Tutela’s


The present work approaches the question of the International Traffic of Women whose crime is one of the biggest lucrative activities nowadays. Thus, this crime is characterized by the way in which the recruiters choose their victims, since, at first, they are deceived with false promises of a well-paid job and a better life in another country, then the traffickers take their passports, buy their airline tickets, and transfer them to another location for the purpose of sexual exploitation. As a result, as soon as they arrive at the destination country, they discover that they have been deceived and are forced to consume drinks and drugs, and to provide sexual services to pay their debts to the traffickers. In addition, the objective is to analyze the characteristics of women in society and the gender division in which Brazil finds itself, to understand what are the historical reasons that lead to women suffering the consequences of this crime until today. Thus, the causes and consequences are verified, as well as the profiles of the victims and the perpetrators, since, despite such a crime, the trafficking of women is still a topic that needs greater importance and with that, it seeks to understand what the existing legislative protections for trafficking are, according to its international treaties and what measures should be necessary in our Brazilian legal system. Therefore, it is intended to analyze why women are the most trafficked people in the world for the purpose of sexual exploitation and how to combat international trafficking in women, with the scope of identifying what government actions are in favor of combating human trafficking. Women are effective. Thus, the adopted methodology is the literature review, the qualitative research, and the deductive method.

Author Biographies

Francisco Antonio Morilhe Leonardo, Universidade de Marília - UNIMAR, Marília, SP

PhD student in Law at UNIMAR - University of Marília/SP. CAPES scholarship. Bachelor and Master in Law Teaching Didactics from UNIVEM. Graduated in Literature (Portuguese) from the Faculty of Brasília/DF - FABRAS. He is currently a Professor at Colégio Água Viva, in Marília / SP and Full Professor at the Brazilian Southern Theological Seminary (SETESB). He was a Full Professor at FAIP. He was a Full Professor at Faculdade Católica Paulista. He was Pedagogical Coordinator of the Degree Courses at Faculdade Católica Paulista, in Marília / SP and Pedagogical Coordinator of the Humanities Areas at FAIP.

Raquel Cristina Ferraroni Sanches, Universidade de Marília - UNIMAR, Marília, SP

He has a degree in Pedagogy from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1992), a master's degree in Education from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1998) and a PhD in Education from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2007). Post-doctoral internship in Human Rights, at the University of Coimbra. He is currently a full professor at the University of Marília-UNIMAR. He has experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Learning Assessment, working mainly on the following topics: law, citizenship, education, legal education and institutional evaluation, pedagogical project, employability, non-mandatory internships, research methodology. Coordinator of the UNIMAR Employability Center.


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