fraternity as principle in consequence to Human Dignity in the Light of the interpretation and application of the Constitution


  • Luciana da Silva Paggiatto Camacho (Pós D) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Viviane Coêlho de Séllos-Knoerr Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIVA, Curitiva, PR
  • José Alberto Monteiro Martins Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA, Curitiba, PR



Principles, Dignity of the human being, Fraternity, Constitutional interpretation


Objective: a new thinking on all the protective issues involving the individual, such as the principle of human dignity, citizenship, ethics, and the pre-eminent need for axiological construction of a fraternity principle. The Constitution (BRAZIL, 1988) can contribute in a very important way to the construction of these new interpretative paradigms in the construction of the fraternity principle, whose scope is to contribute to a more solidary society at the internal level and to the construction of international collaborative values based equally on fraternity and solidarity, but also on respect and compassion towards others.

Methodology: a deductive scientific methodology, through bibliographic studies, but mainly by way of a critical observation of the phenomenological social reality, especially in the current conflict in Ukraine, which cruelty is a constant and daily highlight in the news.

Justification: faced with the resumption on the world stage of hate speech, neo-Nazis and neo-Fascists of an extremely intolerant and discriminatory nature, the social scientist has been imposed with the need to construct and (re) construct concepts which individual, all individuals, without distinction, must be placed as the intangible core of protection.

Results: (i) the need for a reconstruction of axioms in relation to already existing norms; (ii) for such, the studies point to the path of Constitutional interpretation in view of the existing value load in the current Brazilian political constitution; and (iii) the reading of fraternity as a constitutional principle, a consequence of the dignity of the human person, without prejudice to the axiological incidence of values such as ethics as a conduct guideline for the exercise of citizenship.

Contributions: the scientific contribution from the proposed research is a continuous and resilient need on the nuclear and peripheral concepts involving fraternity and the dignity of the human being for the construction of a society with equal opportunities, solidarity, and prosperity for the present and future generations.

Author Biographies

Luciana da Silva Paggiatto Camacho, (Pós D) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

CNPq scholarship holder. Professor at the Santo André Foundation. Doctoral student in Civil Procedural Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Concentration Area: Effectiveness of Law; Line of Research: Effectiveness of Private Law and Civil Liberties; Research Project: Cognition as a means of settling disputed material law. Master in Civil Procedural Law from PUC/SP [2015] - CAPES scholarship holder. Postgraduate with specialization in Civil Procedural Law at PUC-SP. I was coordinator of strategic matters, as well as civil, labor and tax litigation at Valfredo Bessa Advogados. Expertise in the areas of Tax Law, Civil Administrative, Family, Banking, Environmental, Consumer and Telecommunications. He worked in renowned law firms, including Advocacia Salomone, Sette Câmara, Corrêa e Bastos Advogados Associados, De Vivo, Whitaker e Castro Advogados Associados, Leite, Tosto e Barros Advogados, contract law, consumer law, corporate law, real estate development, banking and telecommunications. She was an assistant professor in Civil Procedural Law at Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas-FMU and Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo undergraduate and graduate courses.

Viviane Coêlho de Séllos-Knoerr, Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIVA, Curitiva, PR

Post-Doctoral Internship at the University of Coimbra. Doctor in State Law and Master in Social Relations Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Professor and Coordinator of the Master's and Doctorate Program in Business Law and Citizenship at Centro Universitário Curitiba (Unicuritiba)

José Alberto Monteiro Martins, Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA, Curitiba, PR

PhD student and Master in Business Law and Citizenship at Centro Universitário Curitiba - Unicuritiba; coordinator of the Graduation Course in Law at Faculdade São Vicente, Cidade de Irati, PR; co-editor of Revista Jurídica QualisA1 from Unicuritiba; scientific article reviewer by peers at Pensar Revista de Ciências Jurídicas - Qualis A1; postgraduate degree in business law - MBA - from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV, with university extension at the University of California - UCLA and graduated in law from the University of São Paulo - USP, with specialization in business law. Guest professor of lato sensu postgraduate studies at ESIC - Business School and Marketing. Has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Private Law: Business Law, international contracts and compliance.


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