The Era of the Rights





Law, Rights, History of the Law, Fundamental Rights, Human Rights, Democracy, Humanity


The article it’s a review of the book The Age of The Right from Norberto Bobbio, which says about the human rights and democracy, that both bring a balance in the society which we must protect. Those rights were born from the history of humanity with the collective conviviality, where was improved and build with over time. The book was able to see that is possible to have the right without democracy, but it’s not able to have democracy without right.

Author Biography

Julia Maryam Asmar Latif, Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais - IBMEC, São Paulo, SP

He holds a degree in Law from the IBMEC Group (2022), with a Final Paper entitled: The historicity and hermeneutics of fundamental rights aimed at the applicability and effectiveness of social constitutional norms. Advisor: Professor Dr. Clever Rodolfo Carvalho Vasconcelos.


BOBBIO, Norberto. A Era dos Direitos. Tradução de Carlos Nelson Coutinho, apresentação

de Celso Lafer. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2004. ISBN 9788535215618

