The Rule of law for whom?

The end of the right rhetoric freedom and inequality




Democracy, Rule of a Democratic, Communicative Reason, Human Dignity


This article intends to make a rereading of the right of the validity of assumptions takes as a research field the world of life interpreted as sphere of discourse, of interpellations dialogues, and of the democratic exercise. Given the disparate realities located in the world of life, question the very validity of the right when issues related to fundamental human rights, dignity and recognition and understanding of the democratic rule of law contradict realities that still point at people, groups and forgotten ethnic groups on the margins of society. The failure in terms of supply adds to the failure in terms of safety and a multitude of risks still present in society. In the meantime, there are social costs that seem to require the integration capacity of a liberal society. Are unmistakable indicators that measure the degree of poverty that is spreading in developing countries and some countries in Europe, the degree of social insecurity that installs between social classes, reflecting the growth of wage disparities that show the breakdown of social disintegration established in the Latin countries.

Author Biography


Attorney. CNPq researcher (PDJ). Post-Doctorate in Law at the Faculty of Law of São Paulo (USP) - Largo São Francisco. PhD in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - with a CNPq scholarship - under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Tercio Sampaio Ferraz Jr. Researcher registered with CONPEDI - National Council for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Law - since 2009. Obtained the title of Master in Philosophy of Law, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Jr, in 2012 from Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília, where he also obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2010. In 2004 he obtained a Bachelor's degree in theology from I.B.E.S. From the year 2000 onwards, his scientific research revolved around the fields of Theology, Philosophy, Political Science and Ethics. From 2005 onwards, his research was directed towards the field of Philosophy of Law, using the classical philosophy of the Greek-Roman period and the modern philosophy of Kant and Hegel, as well as the contemporary philosophy of Habermas. From 2010 onwards, forms of violence and processes of reification of human beings occupied the centrality of his research. From now on, his reflections began to have a strong connection with the thoughts of Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, Giogio Agamben, Byung-Chul Han, Carl Schmitt, Jacques Derrida and Oswaldo Giacoia Jr.


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