Deepening democracy

the path towards inclusive deliberation. A critical review of the contribution of Roberto Gargarella




democracy, deliberation, citizen participation, inclusion, Gargarella


Topic: This article carries out a comparative study from theory and a commented, reflective, amplifying and critical analysis of the work of Roberto Gargarella on inclusive democracy and the participatory mechanisms known as: "mini publics", lotteries and constitutions prepared by the citizenship. Objective: It seeks to analyze this work in depth, to disseminate and highlight its findings, express the questions that arise from its reading, discuss it from other perspectives and add reflections on its proposal for democratic deepening from the incorporation of new spaces institutions for inclusive deliberation. Method: The methodology used is the in-depth case study and the comparative analysis between the case and the theory. Originality: From a deep interest in the subject addressed by Gargarella in his work, new impressions, questions, and projections are provided that the work raises when it is approached from other theoretical and analytical perspectives. Conclusions: Gargarella's work contributes; not without opening the way to questions, discussions, and controversies; an important study of a series of concrete experiences from which, it is assumed, it is possible to advance on the path of, on the one hand, facilitating the practice of debate and civic reflection, and, on the other, enabling the participation of all citizenship in public affairs.

Author Biography

María Laura Eberhardt, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Argentina, AR

She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Law of the UBA with a specialization in Political Law, a PhD in Political Science from UNSAM, a Master's degree in Political Science and Sociology from FLACSO and a degree in Political Science from the UBA. She obtained a Postdoctoral diploma from the Faculty of Law of the UBA. She is a researcher at CONICET and has been a Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellow at the same CONICET. She is a professor at UBA and UNAJ. She teaches courses at the Institute of Foreign Services of the Nation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina). Director of the PICT and UBACyT Research Project. She carried out postdoctoral research stays at the University of Girona, the University of Salamanca and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​all with scholarships from CONICET or the Carolina Foundation-Argentine Ministry of Education. She has published numerous articles on topics of democracy, crisis of representation, mechanisms of citizen participation, recall of mandate, among others. His books include: Ministers and Ministries in the Beginnings of the Argentine State. Composition and Stability of Presidential Cabinets (1862-1955), with J. M. Abal Medina y Ariza, A. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2021; Helicopter Effect. How to Replace Bad Rulers Without Coups d'état?, Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2019; Democracy and Citizen Participation from a Latin American Perspective, Florencio Varela: Editorial UNAJ, 2014; Keep Participating, dedicated to the Citizens of Real Democracies. The Mechanisms of Participation and Societal Control in the City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2013; Introduction to Sociology, with E. Villanueva, E. and L. Nejamkis, Florencio Varela: Editorial UNAJ.


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