Glossary of comparative canon law

the legal orders of brazil and the church in parallel




Canon Law, State Law, Comparative Law, Glossary of Canon Law, Glossary, Glossary book


This book, penned by the canonist Edson Luiz Sampel, is, beyond no shade of doubt, an unprecedented work, because the author puts side by side the Canon Law, especially the Code of Canon Law, and the Civil or State Law. The task is executed thru 50 juridical institutions which occur both in Canon Law and in State Law. For example, the process, as a modern means of resolving the conflicts, is analyzed, taking into consideration the similarities and differences between the two juridical orderings. It is a Glossary on Comparative Law.

Author Biography

Dávio Antônio Prado Zarzana Júnior, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, São Paulo, SP

Lawyer. Master in Social Security Law and Social Relations from PUC-SP. President of the Special Committee on Natural Law and Social Relations of the 116th Subsection of the OAB-SP. Vice-President of the Special Committee on Canon Law of the 116th Subsection of the OAB-SP.


Glossário de Direito Canônico comparado - Os Ordenamentos Jurídicos da Igreja e do Brasil em Paralelo

Autor: Edson Luiz Sampel (, 1a. Edição. Aparecida: Editora Santuário, 2024, 142 p., 14 cm x 21cm – ISBN: 978-65-5527-412-7.

