The Idea of justice




Justice, Freedom, Development, Equity, Rationalism


Amartya Sen's work "The Idea of Justice" presents a practical approach to dealing with issues of justice, focusing on real improvement rather than abstract idealizations. The work highlights the importance of comparatively evaluating different social arrangements to guide institutional and behavioral decisions in a rational way. Recognizing the coexistence of different conceptions of justice and the need for reasoned argumentation to resolve conflicts. The work also emphasizes the intrinsic link between justice and individual behavior, challenging the conventional view focused only on institutions. In the end, it highlights the importance of public engagement and continuous dialogue to promote global justice, highlighting that the human capacity to argue and feel empathy is fundamental to this advancement.

Author Biography

Marcelo Sasso, Fundação Getulio Vargas - FGV, São Paulo, SP

Partner lawyer at Couto & Sasso Advocacia; Consultant; Public Manager; Master in Public Management (FGV-SP); Specialist in Administrative Law (PUC-MG); Specialist in Civil Procedural Law (PUC-MG); Specialist in Philosophy and Theory of Law (PUC-MG); Specialist in Contract Law (ESA-OAB); Specialist in Public Law (PUC-RS); Bachelor of Laws (UNIFIEO).


