Time no law - objective good faith and the theory of proper acts - suppressio and surrectio





Constitutional Law, Civil right, Objective good faith, Legal security


This article analyzes the effects of time in Law with its reflections on legal business relations from the perspective and performance of two legal institutes, supressio and surrectio, arising from the legal principle of objective good faith, aims to create, modify and also extinguish subjective and direct postetative rights, with the present research being elaborated by the fully bibliographic method of analysis of specialized doctrine, as well as the legislation applicable to institutes, whose general objective was to carry out an analysis of the effects of the passage of time in business relations, and with objectives specific in the analysis of the institutes of supressio and surrectio, within this context, tracing their conceptualization, differentiation and application to legal relations, concluding that such legal instruments, as well as other institutes of material and procedural law, such as prescription, decadence and estoppel, supressio and surrectio have a far-reaching role. tion of stabilization of legal and social relations and, as well as, of social pacification, the purpose for which the Law exists.

Author Biographies

Dieimes Laerte de Souza, Instituto Toledo de Ensino - ITE

PhD in Law from the Toledo Educational Institution - ITE. Master in Law and the State in the Digital Age from the Marília University Center - UNIVEM. Postgraduate degree in Specialization in Contract Law. Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Eurípides Soares da Rocha Foundation Higher Education Institution - UNIVEM - Marília - SP. Author of scientific works and articles. Lawyer with emphasis and practice in the area of ​​Civil Obligations and Contracts Law, and with working knowledge in related areas, Business Contract Law, Banking, Agrarian and Agro-Environmental Law.

Claudio Amaral José Bahia, Centro Universitário de Bauru - ITE, Bauru, SP

Graduated in Law from Toledo Educational Institution (1996), Master in Constitutional Law from Toledo Educational Institution (2002). PhD in State Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2007). Post-doctorate from Ius Gentium Conimbrigae of the University of Coimbra (2020). Has experience in the area of ​​Law, with emphasis on Constitutional Law. Member of the Research Group "Criticism of Law and Legal Subjectivity" (Department of Philosophy and General Theory of Law of the University of São Paulo), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alysson Leandro Mascaro. He is currently a professor - Toledo Educational Institution of Bauru and at the Iteana Faculty of Botucatu in the undergraduate and postgraduate courses lato and stricto sensu at the Toledo Educational Institution of Bauru. Lawyer.


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