The invasion of Ukraine and the need for a conjunctive-dissociative grant of humanitarian actions


  • Jair Kulitch Centro Universitário Unicuritiba
  • Sueli G. de Martino Lins de Franco



Human Rights; Invasion; Ukraine; Humanitarian actions


Objective: the issues related to human rights in the current world scenario, in which the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the need to implement subsidies for humanitarian actions on a connective-dissociative nature are presented. Methodology: the studies are based on a deductive scientific methodology, through bibliographic review of literature on books about this topic and scientific articles, as well as the critical observation of the economic, social, and hermeneutic phenomenology. Justification: in view of the resumption in the world scenario of hate speech with Nazi and fascist biases, there is a preeminent and exponential need for the reaffirmation of human rights contemporaneously. The present study is also justified and reaffirmed by this need to bring to the center of the academy a re-reading of human rights, especially in view of the recent event characterized by the invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign country, in an unfounded and unjustified way by another country, equally sovereign, Russia. Results: (i) the unfounded and unjustified invasion violating several rules of international law; (ii) the manifest violation of human rights and the commission of war crimes by Russia; and (iii) the urgent need for joint-dissociative humanitarian action by all countries involved or not, directly or indirectly in this armed conflict. Contribution: the scientific contribution is a continuous and resilient need on core and peripheral concepts involving human rights, their effectiveness and their implementation mainly in view of their manifest violation as witnessed worldwide in the armed conflict involving the invasion of Ukraine.


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