Effectiveness of the international contract face of the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Fábio Dias de Oliveira




COVID-19; Risks in International Contracts; International Law, hardship.


The pandemic caused by Covid-19 reflected on the world economy, largely in the revision of international contracts, especially for the purchase and sale of goods and inputs, which will certainly be breached - or partially fulfilled - either due to stoppages in the supply chain. chain), as well as logistical problems. We will try to understand this contractual imbalance resulting from the international medical crisis, how it affected the economy and the applicability of international law, in order to correct the resulting disparities.

The standard used tends to be the Decree No. 8,327, of October 16, 2014, which enacts the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, known as the Vienna Convention. Thus, we will try to verify what are the international means for effectiveness the contract due to its non-compliance and the International Law Principals.


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