Assisted Suicide:
A comparative analysis
Assisted Suicide – International Law – Comparative AnalysesAbstract
The death of filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard in 2022 re-emphasized the debate on the practice of assisted suicide. The procedure was realized in Switzerland because the country allows the method. Colombia was the first South American country to permit "assisted death" in 2015. Besides, the procedure is allowed in other western countries: South Africa, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, the United States, and Canada. This article intends to carry out a comparative study on the regulation of assisted suicide in different national legislations, thus, inquiring in the light of the right to life as the primary legislative foundation of the Law for assisted death by discussing the judgments on the subject. After all, an early analysis of the theme is imperative for a deep theoretical foundation for the object of study in question.
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