Trade Union Entities and self-regulation ato work transnational: the question of the horizontal effectiveness of fundamental rights in Gunther Teubner
Transnational Work. Fundamental Rights. Self-Regulation.Abstract
We discuss here in how the theory of the third part effect of fundamental rights
in Gunthen Teubner's social constitutionalism can contribute to the confrontation of
problematic hypotheses that arose in the context of the private self-regulation of transnational
work. Given technological advances, transnational work has been seen as an irreversible
phenomenon in the context of economic and cultural globalization. This virtualization of work
breaks with all the rationality of traditional work models and is primarily aimed at reducing
transaction costs. However, these new forms of work consolidate the perception of work as a
commodity. Therefore, debate on the development of a private self-regulation of the labor
market to ensure fundamental rights for transit workers is necessary.
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