Towards a philosophical foundation of human rights in contemporaneity

Overcoming obstacles in competing views for the legitimization of Human Rights


  • Ygor Pierry Piemonte Ditão Universidade Paulista
  • Antonio Vavá Cavalcante Universidade de São Paulo
  • Talissa Gobetti Tribunal Regional do Trabalho


Parole chiave:

Human Rights. International Law. Philosophy of Law.


Using bibliographical review and analysis, this article seeks to elaborate upon the philosophical foundations of Human Rights. In order to do so, we conducted a research regarding the jusnaturalist, positivist, moralist and negationist schools in order to present aspects of converging 'concentric circles'. This structure enables the possibility of a shared philosophical foundation of Human Rights instead of multiple theoretical misconceptions emerging from each theory read individually. There is therefore a lesser risk of leading such theories and their interpretations into anachronism and stasis.

Biografie autore

Antonio Vavá Cavalcante, Universidade de São Paulo

Political Scientist, Researcher and PhD Candidate (USP), he holds a Master's in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a Bachelor's in Literature from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), concluding his studies with a scholarship at the University of Georgia (UGA), in the areas of Historical Linguistics, Anthropology and Literature. He was a Pibic Researcher in Linguistics and Terminology at UNESP, a CNPq Researcher at USP's Department of Political Science, and is a Researcher at USP's Center for Research on International Protection of Minorities (CEPIM-USP), as well as at the Center for Analysis of International Relations (CAENI-IRI), at the same university as well as an effective member of the Philosophy of Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association's 125th sub-section (Santana).

Talissa Gobetti, Tribunal Regional do Trabalho

 Assistant Judge at the TRT 2nd Region, Specialist in Labor Law from USP, researcher for the research group "Labor beyond labor law", from the Research Center for International Protection of Minorities (CEPIM/USP) and effective member of the Philosophy of Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association of the 125th sub-section (Santana).

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