Shared economy and precarious work

Where we are in the discussion of changes in the world of Labour




Sharing economy, Uberization, Sociology of work, New morphologies of labour


This essay seeks to analyze, through different bibliographic references, the relation between the operating model of tech-companies, such as Airbnb, Ifood, Getninja and Uber, with a new category of economic sciences, the shared economy. Comparing central authors in the formulation of this category with other key authors dedicated to understand the new morphologies of work, we will try to debate whether, in fact, the shared economy is an alternative to modern hyper consumption and what are the impacts of the functioning model of these companies on the lives of their worker-consumers.

Author Biography

Lucas Marques Cohen, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Formado em Ciências Sociais (2020) pela PUC-SP


ANTUNES, Ricardo. O Privilégio da Servidão: o novo proletariado de serviços na era digital. 1ª Edição, São Paulo : Boitempo, 2018.

BARROS, Carlos Juliano Barros; ANGELI, Caue; FILHO, Maurício Monteiro. Gig - a uberização do trabalho. Realização Repórter Brasil, 2019.

BELK, Russel. You are what you can access: sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, vol. 67(8), pp. 1595–1600.

DA SILVEIRA, Lisiane Mello; PETRINI, Maria; DOS SANTOS, Ana Clarrisa Matte Zanardo. Economia compartilhada e consumo colaborativo: o que estamos pesquisando? REGE, Revista de Gestão (FEAUSP), vol. 23, pp. 298-305, 2016.

MARTIN, C. J. The sharing economy: a pathway to sustainability or a nightmarish form of neoliberal capitalism? Ecological Economics, vol. 121, pp. 149-159.



How to Cite

Cohen, L. M. (2022). Shared economy and precarious work: Where we are in the discussion of changes in the world of Labour. Revista Avesso: Pensamento, Memória E Sociedade, 2(2).