About the Journal

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Cadernos de Subjetividade aims to be a space of reflection and focus of irradiation of all types of production that have as axis the question of subjectivity.


Section Policies


Verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Verificado Peer-reviewed


Não verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Não verificado Peer-reviewed


Não verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Não verificado Peer-reviewed


Não verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Não verificado Peer-reviewed

The Process of Peer Review

Os Cadernos de Subjetividade shall adopt the double blind peer review system. The assessment shall take the following steps:
- after submission, the manuscript undergoes verification of the minimum requirements, task performed by the editors. Technical standards and file anonymity will be checked.
- This step is aimed at adapting to the editorial profile of the journal and meeting minimum technical standards, there is the effective anonymity of the file, either in its body or in its "Properties". Inappropriate submissions may be refused at this early stage. However, inadequacies to the editorial profile can be detected only at a later time.
- The evaluators are designated according to their competence in the line of research, considered in addition other specificities as the case may be.
- The standard time for completion of the evaluations is counted from the confirmation of availability by the reviewer, being given a period of 2 weeks. If the deadline is not met, the reviewer will be replaced. For other reasons and greater forces, the evaluation time may extend, and the author should contact the editor whenever he deems necessary, never submitting his manuscript to another journal without written communication of his decision.
- All manuscripts received have considered the novelty, originality, the relevance of the contribution to the studies of Subjectivity and the orthographic-grammatical correction.
- For articles, rigor and argumentative consistency are decisive. In the case of reviews, the critical approach of the work, the domain of the context in which it is inserted and its date of publication. In the case of translations, in addition to compliance with the legal provisions, the technical rigor and the general interest of its dissemination in Portuguese in the version presented.
- It is the Editor’s prerogative to select what among the observations contained in the opinion is likely to be transmitted to the author in order to contribute to the improvement of his work.
- The approval of the manuscript does not guarantee its immediate publication. Its inclusion in the schedule will be analyzed by the Editorial Board and the decision communicated to the main author registered.


Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.