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Condições para submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.
  • The submission in original, has not been already published and is not being evaluated by any other journal.
  • Files for submission are in Microsoft Word (maximum size 2MB)
  • Text is single-spaced, size 12 font; figures and tables are included as supplementary documents.
  • The text follows the style and reference standards described in Instructions for Authors.
  • Identification of authorship was removed from the file and the option Properties in Microsoft Word.

Diretrizes para Autores

Contributions should follow guidelines suggested by The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. For a complete guide with examples, see: Maximum size of files is 2MB. Graphics must be attached in separate files as "supplementary documents" duly numbered. Steps for submitting an article are electronically directed from the website after initiating the submission process. Author(s) need to login as "Author" to be able to make submissions. Similarly, author(s) may follow the review process in the journal's website after logging in as "Author".

Dossiê Ciclo Ciência Viva I

Dossier dedicated to the first "Ciclo Ciência Viva", that took place in 2020.

Thesis Abstracts

Abstracts from finished PhD Thesis.

Política de Privacidade

Data reported to this journal are for its exclusive use and will not be forwarded to any third party whatsoever.