O panorama histórico-filosófico no tempo de Paulo: o helenismo


  • Antonio Wardison C. Silva




Hellenism, Judaism, Christianity, philosophy


This paper aims to identify and to analyze the historical and philosophical than anticipated and witnessed the birth of early Christianity, particularly the ideas that possibly conditioned the thinking and writings of Paul. From this perspective, the text presents the Hellenic philosophy to the formulation of philosophical thought in Rome, namely the Hellenistic doctrine, his influence on Judaism and Christianity, and the correct philosophy to the birth of contemporary Christian event. Thus, this analysis or to register, simply, the philosophy around the Christian world so that later, when comparing these two realities, one can not only place the Christian thought around the pagan wisdom, but to understand how Christianity has responded and assimilated the Greek-Roman.

Author Biography

Antonio Wardison C. Silva

Salesiano, licenciado em Filosofia, especialista em Filosofia Existencial e em Psicopedagogia, bacharelando em Teologia pelo Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo — Unisal. Este texto é parte da pesquisa de Iniciação Científica desenvolvida pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo — FAPESP, orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Pedro Lima Vasconcellos — Unisal — PUCSP.